How to Rename an Email Address in DirectAdmin Print

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1. Log in to your DirectAdmin Account.

2. In the E-mail Manager section, click on E-mail Accounts or type E-mail Accounts in the navigation filter box. The option will appear. Click on it.
Here is an image of email from our Omaha web design and web hosting company

3. Under the Email Account list, the email address appears with a plus icon on the right side.
Here is an image of email from our Omaha web design and web hosting company

4. Click on the Plus icon and choose Change Password/Username.
Here is an image of email from our Omaha web design and web hosting company

5. In the Username field, modify/rename your email username.
Here is an image of email from our Omaha web design and web hosting company
6. Click on Save.

Your email address will be renamed successfully.

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