How to Delete the Self-Shutdown Timer in Virtualizor Print

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You can remove the self-shutdown timer in Virtualizor. Please, follow the steps below to remove the self-shutdown timer.

1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.

2. From the left side panel, click on List VPS.

Websnoogie did this  <a href=cPanel and WHM image">

3. Hover your mouse on the appropriate VPS, and that line will be highlighted. Then click on the Manage icon in the highlighted line.

Websnoogie did this cPanel and WHM image

4. Click on the Self Shut Down.

Websnoogie did this cPanel and WHM image

5. If you have multiple timers, hover your mouse on the appropriate one, and that line will be highlighted. Then click the Delete button in the highlighted line.

Websnoogie did this cPanel and WHM image

6. When asked, confirm with OK.

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