How to Update the DNS Nameservers at 123-Reg Print

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You can find our nameservers in your hosting welcome email. You need to update your domain nameservers to our nameservers.

If your domain is registered on 123-Reg, you should follow this tutorial to update your domain's Nameservers.

1. Open the website and click on Control Panel. It will show you a login form.
Showing an example image using a server from our Omaha hosting company

Enter the username and password of your 123-reg account and click on Log-in.
Showing an example image using a server from our Omaha hosting company

3. After a successful login, select the appropriate domain from the drop-down list and then click on Manage.
Showing an example image using a server from our Omaha hosting company

4. Scroll down to the Advanced domain settings and click on Change Nameservers (DNS).
Showing an example image using a server from our Omaha hosting company

5. Enter your nameservers in the text fields and click on Update.
Showing an example image using a server from our Omaha hosting company

You will see a success message.

Note: It may take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.

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