How to Generate and Download a Full Backup of Your cPanel Account Print

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Backing up is important, and you should do it regularly. Follow this tutorial to make a full backup of your website with cPanel .

1. Log in to your cPanel account.

2. In the Files section, click on Backup.
A great example: cPanel image from our Omaha web design and SEO company

3. Under Full Backup, click on Download a Full Website backup.

A great example: cPanel image from our Omaha web design and SEO company

4. From the drop-down menu, select the backup destination as Home and enter your email address in the email field to receive a notification when the backup is complete.
A great example: cPanel image from our Omaha web design and SEO company

After the cPanel backup is finished, you will receive a notification. You can download backups from Backup > Download a Full Account Backup.
A great example: cPanel image from our Omaha web design and SEO company

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