Do you have a hosting question? Look through our how-tos, videos, and guides. Websnoogie has increased its knowledge base recently to include over 100 videos and 100 articles with answers to our users' questions. We acknowledge that most of our users are not tech-savvy and would want a simple walkthrough of almost everything conducted by the hosting company.
Websnoogie has categorized the video material as follows: videos on basics of cPanel, Cloudflare tutorials, a complete tutorial on web hosting, cPanel Database Tutorials, cPanel Domain management, cPanel email videos, cPanel FTP videos, everything about cPanel Hosting, How to manage your domain, everything about setting up an eCommerce, how to manage your email accounts, a video on employment opportunities at websnoogie, Filezilla client tutorials video, how to use FTP ( File Transfer Protocol), how to install applications, videos tutorials on Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook 2019 tutorials, a video on setting up emails, tutorials on SolusVM, in-depth information on SSL, Virtualizer, and finally information about WordPress.
If you are a newbie or skilled expert in web hosting, we have everything you need to know when hosting your website with Websnoogie.
Since we are a fully-managed hosting provider, we take care of most of the things mentioned in the knowledge base free of charge.
Our team created the video content that uses simple English and presentations that are easy to follow. We have explained how our Omaha-based company does web hosting for clients because we offer fully managed services.
Here is some of the content:
Knowledge base information contains web hosting, cPanel/WHM, Applications, Domains & DNS, Getting Started, Billing, Pre-Sale Questions, and Web Dev Topics.
Most of the information you will get here will help when it comes to setting up the database and pointing the name servers to the correct records.
The cPanel/WHM knowledge base includes errors and notices, cron jobs, resource usage and statistics, security, email, and cPanel how-tos. Most websites utilize cPanel, which requires resources for those wishing to use our platform.
We also provide additional applications on the platform. Open source applications are the majority of resources. Websnoogie has everything one would want to know about WordPress, Joomla, SocialEngine, CS-Cart, PHP-Fox, Magento, ClipBucket, OpenCart, Drupal, Boonex Dolphin, PrestaShop, Ilias, Thelia, Dolphin, and Moodle. Developers and designers use this software from around the world.
By having our knowledge base, users can plan their website building wisely. Sometimes there are issues connecting your card or setting up PayPal for payments on your website. We have the videos and articles in detail on using different payment gateways to process payments.
Websnoogie has considered all the needs of users and created matching resources.
Our information base is entirely free to use. To read the material, you do not need to be a subscriber to any of our packages. Always feel free to contact us with any questions.